EBRS masthead San Francisco Early Music Society American Recorder Society

Our season for 2023-2024 concluded with our monthly playing conducted by David Morris on May 3rd followed by a special all-day Saturday workshop on May 18th lead by Frances Blaker, Tish Berline, Greta Haug-Hryciw and Andy Canepa (shown right) at St. Mary Magdalene.


 Our conductors for our monthly playing sessions of the new season 2024/2025 have now been selected, as follows:

Sept. 6                    Tish Berlin
October 5               Derek Tam
Nov. 1                      Glen Shannon
Dec. 6                      Frances Blaker
January 5                Shira Kammen
February 7              Hanneke van Proosdij
March 7                   David Morris
April 5                      Greta Haug-Hryciw
May 2                       Judy Linsenberg
June 6                       Tom Bickley


We have returned to our usual Zion Lutheran Oakland location for normal, monthly playing sessions, but also expect to be streaming online (with use of Zoom) for an alternative.


We expect to continue to be requiring at-home Covid testing the day of the playing, and if possible, asking that you bring your NEGATIVE test to the event in a zipped baggie, or a date-stamped photo otherwise. Of course, positive tests STAY HOME, as well as if you have symptoms of any illness.


Music for the monthly playing is routinely emailed to our membership in advance (as pdf’s).  Please print out the music to bring to the session (or to use at home if joining by Zoom). Please join the meeting a bit early if you can to enjoy a little socializing and to ensure that you get admitted before the music starts. Members will also receive, around the end of the month, an email including the Zoom-link and password for the meeting.



Frances Blaker

Frances Blaker

Tish Berlin

Tish Berlin

Greta Haug-Hryciw

Greta Haug-Hryciw

Andy Canepa

Andy Canepa